Tuesday, November 17

Seeking Refuge

Whew. You guys, these last few days on social media have been brutal.  I broke some personal rules.  I try really hard not to engage on FB. Like, I'm okay with posting a status that says something worthwhile, but I try not to let conversations flow from that. Because even though I write better than I speak, you lose some of the human aspect in a facebook comment flow.  So after a few lengthy posts and a few long threads of comments, I decided a blog post was necessary for the sake of my aching heart.

There is so much I could say, but it all starts for me with a summer I spent in Chicago.  I worked with a mission/church that primarily operated amongst refugees.  I spent my entire summer surrounded by people who had run for their lives and wound up dropped off in a suburb of Chicago with refugee status attached to their name.  Some of them were born in refugee camps where they received almost no education and where weekly fires that burned large portions of the camp were a regular event.  Where food was scarce and disease was common and childhood was not really allowed.  Some of them gave birth while running through the jungle, fleeing for their lives from people who bombed their villages and attacked their families.  One man (a Christian) even spent years leaving the relative safety of the refugee camp to go back into the jungle and seek out other believers who were fleeing like him, and guide them to safety. Another man had to flee because he became such a threat to the religious leaders in his homeland, as he'd planted dozens upon dozens of churches who worshipped the true God.  He's on a most wanted list, of sorts.  All of them came to the US with little more than the clothes on their back.  Some came not speaking English because they'd never had access to education.  Some came with years of established careers as pastors, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and were forced to work here as custodians or long hours in factories, despite their old age and years of experience.  All came here because they felt that it was their last hope of safety.  Because all the trials they would face here paled in comparison to the place they could no longer call home.  Because being poor and perhaps even unwanted is still better than being dead.  While I got to know these people, a few shared their stories.  On July 4th we gathered to watch fireworks and celebrate America, on the weekend that marked their 1-year anniversary of arrival.  That night they shared what it was like living in the camps, and what it was like to be the 18 year old man of the family seeking out enough records for their family so they would be eligible to begin the process of applying for placement in the US or the EU.  Many of them came here worshipping other gods.  Some came having given up hope on any God.  But little did they know that already there were churches in their context in Chicago, waiting to welcome them in with the love of Christ.

These same refugees, many of whom lived in we would consider to be the most impoverished communities in the USA, took this young ignorant college student in, without ever questioning my motives, and fed me.  They invited me into their homes and offered food and laughs and stories. They hugged me and loved me and one night a young girl literally slept at my feet, holding onto my ankles, desperate to let me know that our friendship was real.  They patiently taught me bits of their language and anxiously asked me to share more of mine. They practiced for citizenship tests and collected resources amongst themselves for a family whose apartment burned. They taught me the meaning of community and illustrated to me that my God was so much bigger than I'd ever imagined he was.  I learned to pray like they prayed, and learned to sing like they sang, and learned to worship through dance and through chant and through feasting together.

So this week, when I heard so many Mississippians (and Americans) loudly cry, "we do not want them!" I was devastated.  When I saw Christians rejoice as we turned away the needy, I mourned.  When I saw many react in a spirit of fear rather than in a spirit of love and truth, I balked.  And when I realized so many were ignorant of the plight of these humans seeking refuge, and the process they go through, I was saddened.  And I could not remain silent.

I know there's a chance that members of ISIS might try to masquerade as refugees and infiltrate the US. I know that at least one man who perpetrated the attack on Paris did just that.  I also know that a few months ago two young people at Mississippi State University were conspiring to join ISIS.  And I know that the Lord is capable of saving the darkest of hearts.  I know that one man responsible for penning a good portion of the Bible I read was a murderer.  I know also that the man who wrote most of the New Testament was a Christian-murdering terrorist. I know also that Simon the Apostle was a member of an extremist group responsible for terrorist attacks. I know that God has saved Muslim friends of mine through dreams and visions with scandalous love and grace.  I know that the God I now worship died a cruel death on a state-sanctioned instrument of torture while I was yet monstrously opposed to him and hated him. I know that if His love was not sacrificial, I would refuse him still. I know that I've read and quoted from Jim and Elizabeth Elliot, who had no sense of self-preservation.  I know that the grandchildren of Nate Saint call the man who killed him "grandfather."  I know that immense sacrifice was made in each of these circumstances.

Someone said something to me yesterday along the lines of "Why don't we pile all the Syrian refugees into camps and let the Christians put some action to their words and THEY can take care of them."  And while I adamantly and vehemently oppose the idea of camps, I embrace the idea of the Church taking this challenge to heart.
This morning in the early hours before daylight, as my heart was burdened for these people, I had this vision of the Church doing just that.   I imagined us taking in refugee families and housing them in our churches and homes.  I imagined one person opening their home, or a church sacrificing their parsonage or extra building to house a family or two.  But then I imagined others coming along side them and bearing the burden with them.  Perhaps there are a few teachers in the congregation.  One might take responsibility for taking the children of the family to school and watching over them there. One might spend some time studying the language and culture of the family and teach the congregation so that they'll be able to welcome them in a way that feels familiar.  Another teacher might spend a few hours a week helping teach the family English.  Each family in the church might take responsibility for providing a meal to them, and perhaps a stay-at-home-mom will bring the mother into her house and teach her about cooking and shopping in America.  The men of the congregation will come alongside the father and teach him about finances in America, and how to manage a household.  They'll provide tools and resources for him to eventually be independent.  The children of the church know best how to make friends, as smiles transcend culture and language and race, and they will love with the encouragement of their parents.  And in time, this family will realize that the love of Christ prompted complete strangers to take them in.  Perhaps a Saul will become a Paul.  Perhaps a family in the church will realize they're called to go minister to others in that context.  Children who might have been washed up drowned on a foreign soil or recruited into a terrorist group will be loved and grow into thriving adults who also show love. I know it's idealistic.  I know I'm still young and I'm sure you think me naive.  But Jesus said the kingdom belongs to those with childlike faith.  Jesus said that I had to take up my cross (state-sanctioned weapon of torture) in order to follow Him. Jesus said that the last are first in his Kingdom.  He said that it was better if I stored up wealth in heaven instead of on Earth.  He said if I wanted to gain life, I had to first lose it. He said that what I do for the poorest and neediest of people is actually done to Him. He didn't qualify those statements.  He didn't give me an out for when I was scared or worried or feared consequences.  He said that He had nowhere to lay his head on this earth, and if I want to follow Him, that's what I must be prepared for. He said some crazy things, and they make me uncomfortable. But I see life in those words.  I see a love and grace bigger than I could have pictured without them.  I see hope and promise of eternal life.  I see a God who took me in when I hated Him.  Who created me knowing I'd reject him.  I see a Father who adopted the child who wanted to murder Him.
"Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all." 

Friday, November 6

New Indeed

      Well, I'm changing things up a little bit over here. The blog got a mini-makeover aesthetically, and it also got a new web address.  Because, as much as I (still) hate to admit it, "allisoninmalawi" is no longer in Malawi. I suppose after 2.5 years of being back in the U.S., it was finally time.

      You may also have noticed that I've posted exactly twice in the past year. Needless to say, I've been a little bit busy doing things like getting married and stuff. But I've also been working, which involves staring at a computer screen from 8-5 every day, so making myself look at a computer when I get home hasn't been on the top of my to-do list. If I'm honest, though, there's more to my absence than the practical aforementioned reasons.  There's been a whole host of internal processing that's just been too scrambled for words in the past year.

     I was told at some point that it takes someone half as long as the time that they lived out of the country to re-adjust to being back "home".  In other words, having lived in Africa for two years, it would take one year to feel "normal" again.  And I found that to be a pretty conservative estimate.   I'm really not here to talk about Malawi, as I know it's old news for most of you.  But it's so real in my heart, and it took me a good two years to find closure and answers and simply be emotionally stable enough to let myself process the havoc that was wreaked by going from 4 years at Mississippi College to two years in Malawi to moving back into my parents' house in my hometown and entering into an inter-cultural mega-long-distance relationship.  To be honest, I was a wreck.  And I'm just starting to feel like I'm okay with my life again.

     Writing and reading and language have always been an outlet for me. Sometimes they've been an escape.  But they are always emotionally charged. I write with various combinations of logic and passion. I have never read literature without an emotional response to it. (Okay, don't tell Dr. Smith, but the closest thing to an exception would be what little I read of Shakespeare's histories. I'm sorry. I. Do. Not. Care.) In all seriousness, though, part of the reason I have been unable to write is that I have been unable to handle the emotions involved in letting myself process, whether by blog or journal or other means.  (Also, why would anyone want to read the messy emo explosion of words that would likely result? That's not attractive.)

     Anyway, all this to say...I think I'm back.
     I work in a job right now that I have a very love/hate relationship with.  It's the greatest place I could dream up to work, and the environment is fun and wild and spontaneous and creative and I adore it. My coworkers are all the best kinds of crazy, and my boss is seriously incredible.  However, large portions of my job involve numbers and money and figures and rules and regulations.  Not this English lover's ideal.  And lately I've realized how much I miss the world of language and literature and writing and debating and interpreting and theorizing and simply enjoying a work of art.  (Side note: I read way too much goofy silly teen fiction. I think the library lady is really confused about my actual age.)  But I miss academics.  While I'm not itching to be back in the classroom, (on either side of it, actually) I AM itching to do something that I love.  To exercise the part of my brain that God tweaked so that it produces a bit of a high when I even think about an uninterrupted afternoon with C.S. Lewis's works. The part that is about 2 seconds away from taking a day off work and paying a lot of money just go hear Lois Lowry for an hour.  The part that inspired me to take Greek, and still remembers ridiculous amounts of French, and willingly subjected itself to hours and hours and hours in the 3rd floor of Jennings Hall discussing the use of capitalization in this poem or the absence of dynamic females in that novel.  The part the gets a little bit giddy learning new words, and falls in love with a good novel in all of 2 minutes and then refuses to be separated, devoting continuous hours to it and basking in the feelings it produced when it is all too soon ended.  (That's also the part of me that hasn't finished writing Thank You cards, so sorry about that. I'm working on it, I promise.)  

So, consider this another new beginning in the blog titled All Things New.
Expect to hear from me more. Apparently, I need to write. 

Monday, June 15

Hearts at Home

Sixteen days ago I stepped off of a little plane and onto the cracked concrete of the airport runway in Lilongwe, Malawi. The cool breeze and warm sun embraced me like old friends.  The auburn dust that populates the capital city invaded my senses, metallic to taste, chalky to touch.  The familiar yet distant trees and flowers crept their way back into my mind.  The coolness of the floors and walls, the warmth of the smiles, the rhythm of the language, the depth of the voices all came flooding back, sweeping me off my feet, welcoming me just the way home should.

It's incredible to me how much love there is in my heart for a place that was only "home" for a couple of years, the permanent expression of which is tattooed on my wrist to represent, remind, refresh my love for this country, these people, the years here. Life-changing years.  I suppose it's true that my love for the place has been enhanced and defined by my love for one of her sons- my dear husband-to-be.  Malawi embraced me these two weeks and I emerged changed yet again.

Can you picture the sixty smiling graduates, marching with all the pomp and circumstance to the cheers of proud mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, celebrating the culmination of years of hard work and countless sacrifices? Shall I tell of the winding road to Salima with tiny huts and villages decorating the gorgeous hillsides? Of the white grainy sand that turns to powdery black as it meets the pure blue of the Lake of Stars? Of waking to the smell of the sweet morning smoke from fires in the fields that burned all night, providing warmth and light?  Should I describe the artistry of the pottery in Dedza, with classic Malawian scenes portrayed on the sides of mugs and faces of plates?  And what of the British influence on the one-of-a-kind Kamuzu Academy, founded by the original president of Malawi, named in his honor, and responsible for so much of my love's childhood world?  Can I allow you to hear the gleeful shouts of "azungu!" as cars, bikes, motorcycles, busses, tuktuks, and pedestrians pass by the open windows of our car, with the breeze carrying the sounds further and further away?  How can I portray the warmth of the smiles and hands that are extended with a "muli bwanji?" to the bemused foreigner who has fallen in love with one of their own?  And the dancing! The dancing that goes on and on and on, as friends and family bestow blessings and hugs and colorful kwacha on the grinning nuptials who have chosen this strange but wonderful path that none of them imagined.

The red dust of Africa clings to my shoes, the smell of her sweet fires still permeates my clothes, and the warmth of the heart of Africa has yet to leave my soul.  And I don't mind at all.