Happy weekend! I hope you're doing well in the land of baseball (Go Cardinals!) and fuel and cold weather.
This has been a pretty normal week around here, but I thought I'd give you an idea of what a normal week looks like.
Monday began with our first day back to school after midterm holiday. Needless to say, it was not easy waking up at 5:30, but we made it to school on time. I have to admit, though, it was good to see my students. Although I'd seen a lot of them over the break, I was glad to be around my kids again. They're fun people, and I love them a lot. Monday night Aly and I went to the ABC Lions basketball game. This was pretty terrific. Basketball here is just really fun. The players aren't 10 feet tall, the electricity goes out in the middle of the game, the students/fans dance and sing rather than yell, and the players actually seem to enjoy the game! It's pretty crazy. There's just a purity to the game that I enjoy- it seems to be missing in the States. On top of that, the guys played a great game! Our friend Andrew was in for the whole game, and Zach got to play for a bit as well! We were proud. =) We're pretty loyal fans.
Monday began with our first day back to school after midterm holiday. Needless to say, it was not easy waking up at 5:30, but we made it to school on time. I have to admit, though, it was good to see my students. Although I'd seen a lot of them over the break, I was glad to be around my kids again. They're fun people, and I love them a lot. Monday night Aly and I went to the ABC Lions basketball game. This was pretty terrific. Basketball here is just really fun. The players aren't 10 feet tall, the electricity goes out in the middle of the game, the students/fans dance and sing rather than yell, and the players actually seem to enjoy the game! It's pretty crazy. There's just a purity to the game that I enjoy- it seems to be missing in the States. On top of that, the guys played a great game! Our friend Andrew was in for the whole game, and Zach got to play for a bit as well! We were proud. =) We're pretty loyal fans.
Tuesday I'm not real certain what we did. All I remember is that it was hot. Real hot. Not much of a breeze, no air conditioning, no fans in my classroom and only 1 in my house... yeah. I probably suffocated. (We're gladly accepting monetary donations to enable us to buy more fans!)
Wednesday we got to hear an excellent speaker at staff Bible Study. His name is Dr. Krammendan (maybe?) and he's affectionately known around ABC as "Uncle Krabby". We got to hear him in chapel last week and again Wednesday night, and both were a treat. Wednesday he spoke on James 1, with special emphasis on "counting it all pure joy" when we suffer, enduring trials and temptations. Now, I know you guys aren't guilty of this, but I'm sure there are folks in the world that believe missionaries have some sort of special power that enables them to do this more than other people. Well, that's false. Things are tough in Malawi right now. I can't remember the last time we went more than like 8 hours without a power outage. I see fuel lines everywhere, and most of the people in them won't actually get fuel. The heat is becoming oppressive, the economy is suffering, and water is really hard to come by, even on campus. And I have the ability and privilege to consider these things and rejoice in them. Wednesday was a hard day for me, and the sermon that night was needed more than I can say. God was faithful in gently correcting me and providing a way for me to rejoice and worship even in the midst of some tough lessons I am still learning.
Thursday was another lovely school day, and then we went shopping again with Owen. It was an adventure, as always, and then we came back to watch the guys play in the basketball playoffs. Which they dominated. Seriously. Again, I was proud of our boys. Our team is legit. :) Go Lions!
Friday consisted of school, praise team practice, playing with the kitten which will soon be mine, and hanging out with some college folks around here. Aly and I decided to take this week off of potluck, so instead we made spaghetti and watched some of the ABC girls' basketball game, which was quite entertaining. Then we played cards with some folks until we were too tired to function...at like 10:30. haha
So there's a somewhat typical week in my life here!
And for real...fans are expensive. Holla if you wanna donate to the cause! ;)
Also, a shout out to Liz Anne Oates, whose incredible card was delivered to me Wednesday, just when I really needed a pick-me-up. You win, friend. Thanks for being amazing!
So there's a somewhat typical week in my life here!
And for real...fans are expensive. Holla if you wanna donate to the cause! ;)
Also, a shout out to Liz Anne Oates, whose incredible card was delivered to me Wednesday, just when I really needed a pick-me-up. You win, friend. Thanks for being amazing!