Sunday, October 23

Oh, Happiness!

I've tried to write this blog post three times. It's been a crazy week here in Malawi, what with fuel shortages worse than ever before, water and electricity becoming scarce, and even a lack of Coca Cola at times! But in the midst of all the crazy, Aly and I managed to have the greatest week ever.  See, last week was midterm holiday for the academy, and quite contrary to our usual ideal, Aly and I resolved to spend as little time as possible in our house.  We just figured it was time for us to get outside the box (box...quad...get it? hahahaha) and explore a little.
The first step of this process involved going to chapel with the college students every day. Little did we know Monday was a public holiday so we were up before allllllll the other folks on campus. BUT! we did manage to go the rest of the week, and it was a huge blessing. We had some really incredible times worshiping with students and listening to them share testimonies or hearing the speakers for the week.
Another significant detail is that it was midterms for the college kids, which is more like finals in the states. We'd actually planned to go to some classes this week, but there were none since the students were taking tests.  This was a disturbing realization at first, because our plans to stay out of the house seemed to be falling apart, but we soon realized our goal was still achievable with the help of a few friends.  But before I go on, I should tell you about Mista Owen. Owen teaches reception at ABCCA (that's the 4-year old class) and he's quite a fun guy. He's from Zimbabwe and has been living in Lilongwe and working at ABC for like 8 years...he knows Chichewa and we're pretty certain he knows 80% of the city.  This week his roommates on campus were all gone, so he opened up their house on campus as a (mostly) quiet place for some guys to study or just a fun place to hang out during the day.  Somehow, we managed to get in on this, and the rest is history, I guess. We spent a lot of time at his house this week, mostly b/c he has comfy couches. Seriously, they're amazing. In the course of the week he introduced us to tons of college students here and showed us some new sights in the neighborhood and allowed us to invade his house any time we wanted.  This greatly helped us in our goal of staying out of the box/quad.
I don't know how to explain the extent that this week changed my mindset and view of being here in Malawi.  I've been new places and met more people and learned more of the language.  But most of all I'm finally able to be happy here.  I think I've expressed before the difficulties that I've had just adjusting to the "grown up" world. All of the teachers on campus are several years older than us, and Aly and I still have a college mindset in a lot of ways.  Being able to spend time with college students, help them study for finals, memorize outlines with them, eat lunch with them, watch movies and have mini dance was a taste of normalcy.  Finally, I feel like I belong here. I've known all along that I was here for a purpose, and I'm still discovering what that is, but with the friendship of people like Owen, Andrew, Zach, Ndaba, (boli boli... mbuga)...i dunno...I just feel like I have the support and the comfort I was missing before. I've laughed more this week than I have in months. I still miss home, but I'm beginning to identify this place as a sort of home as well.  There are people I love here, and people I can't imaging leaving behind. I've played basketball and gone swimming and played on the playground and taken walks and just enjoyed my life. I let go of the insecurities and allowed myself to learn new things and laugh at myself and be laughed at. I've accepted that I will never ever ever under any circumstances be able to blend in here.  But I am okay with that.  Who needs to blend in? Why not embrace the opportunities that come with standing out? Especially if you're surrounded by friends...

Probably the main reason I've tried to write this so many times is that I can't really find words to express what a blessing this week has been for me.  God is so patient. I've been so stubborn and independent lately, and He has been so merciful.  Instead of scorn, I received blessing upon blessing, each one undeserved.  I can't explain to you what changes have occurred in me. I can't fully express my gratitude to God for providing me with such an incredible week when I needed it most. When I am faithless, He is faithful. His mercies are new every morning, and I intend to declare that as often and as loudly as possible. :) He is good.   And so, although I have to admit I am not overly excited about returning to my teacher position tomorrow, I will choose to wake up and say "Good morning, Holy Spirit" and continue my day in light of the grace I have been shown.  As always, thanks for your prayers, and please don't stop. I truly need every bit of it, and I'm so thankful to receive messages or comments you send.
Oh, happiness! There's grace enough for us and the whole human race!


  1. Despite the fact that you're in the next room I feel the need to tell you that I love you! You're the best!

  2. I am so with you on this post, dear! We should catch up soon. Next time you're on skype, I'm talking to YOU, missie :) Miss you, love you, and lifting you up!

  3. Mmm. I love it. This whole blog post makes me so happy. I loved seeing pictures of you guys with the college guys on Facebook. It somehow reminds me so much of pictures from Jazzman's or the Caf - same feeling - if not BETTER! You both look SO HAPPY. And I love it. I'm so so so thankful! Know that I have been praying my heart out. I miss you! But can't wait to see you THIS SUMMER!!! :D I love you, beautiful roomie.
