Friday, September 23

10 Reasons My School is Awesomer than Yours

10. The playgrounds are legit. Seriously, we have the greatest playground(s) ever. Yep, that's right. PlaygroundS. There are 2. And they have cool things that America banned to avoid lawsuits and stuff. Yay!
9. The uniforms are adorable. I know uniforms aren't anyone's favourite thing, but the little kids look so stinkin' cute, and the older students do have decent options to choose from. I like it.
8. The classrooms are HUGE. It's really excellent. And for the most part, class sizes are relatively small! The elementary teachers have tons of bulletin board space and plenty of floor space and it's just lovely. They upper school classrooms are also large and tidy. I am still working on making mine pretty, but it's still great.
7. The parents/grandparents of students here seriously run this country. We have a bus full of kids from "the embassy" and students with parents who are in parliament and that sort of thing. Rumor is there's even a body guard or two wandering around campus. Your school can't compete with that.
6. My students are going to rule the world someday.  I love them. They're amazing! My Malawians are gonna take over the country, and all the expats are gonna do great things. I know it. It's fantastic.  And discipline problems are minimal- mostly just chatty kids.
5. I can get to know my students. That's exciting. I eat lunch with them, participate in after school activities with them, see them around campus, learn about their lives, and I really do care about them.  I'm already realizing how difficult it will be for me to leave, not to mention the fact that multiple students will move away in the next two years. That's hard. But I know they'll make a difference wherever they go.
4. I'm teaching kids from at least 10 different countries. And on the whole, they love it here.  Sure there are a few who wanna go home, but the 7th grade class today had a debate during study hall about what was the best country. Malawi unanimously won, but it was agreed that Norway was a close second. America came in last. These students aren't tied up in material things or popularity contests.  Sure, they are concerned with how they look, sure they care if they have friends- but those aren't first on their mind all the time. They are kind to each other, they don't get in fights, they don't obsess over relationships or celebrities or alcohol.  They obey teachers, they obey their parents, and they (usually) work hard. If you have ever met any 13-15 year-olds, you know just how unique this is.
3. I'm in Africa. Let's just face it- that trumps all. Malawi wins.
2. I work with really fantastic people. Teachers at the Academy are great. They're from several different countries, have all sorts of backgrounds and experiences, and they chose to be here. They love Jesus, they love their jobs, and the love these children. That's more than I can say about any school I've been in before.
1. I get to talk about Jesus every day.  It's encouraged. If I don't do it enough, my head teacher calls me out on it. That's amazing.

P.S. You- yeah you with the college degree! You should come teach here. You'll love it. There's nowhere better!


  1. AMEN girl!!!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!

  2. Love this! I spent a year teaching at ABC 10 years ago and saw your link on Leanne's FB post. Enjoy your time there and go see as much as you can!!!

  3. Hey, Allison. What could I send you for your classroom? Give me a list. Thank you for follow g God's leading In your life.

  4. I miss you. This post made me smile, lots! Praying for you!
