I think I mentioned at some point that I was doing a read through the Bible in 90 days plan...well, 90 days turned into...more than 90 days. I slacked off for a while (surprise) but I've picked back up in Chronicles and got to read the second account of the journey of the Arc of the Covenant to Jerusalem. So here's the story: David and his buddies are bringing the arc back home to rest with the Israelites, but they disobey the guidelines Moses set out for transporting it. As a result, the arc almost falls and this guy named Uzzah reaches out to steady it and when he touches it, God strikes him dead. No one was ever supposed to touch the arc- it was the physical representation of the presence of God, and therefore was most holy. So David panics a little bit at the realization of what he's bringing home and decides to leave the arc residing on the outskirts with this guy named Obed-edom for a while. Obed's family is blessed as a result, and David later decides to do things right and bring the arc into Jerusalem. This is a HUGE deal. There's a giant celebration and parade sort of deal with sacrifices being made, and music being played. And then there's David...
See, this is possibly my favorite story in the whole Bible. David himself just intrigues me on so many levels. I've often thought that if I have a son someday, I hope he'll be like David. Sure, the man made mistakes. Big ones. Ones that humanity wouldn't be prone to forgive. But even with all of that, David's considered a man after God's own heart. David LOVES the Lord. This love prompts him to do some things that seem unreasonable. I could cite them, but if you're curious just go check out 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. His commitment to the God who chose him to be king is inspiring to me.
So, the arc is coming into the city and there's a giant celebratory parade, and David- David wears a simple linen robe, much like that of the priests. No kingly garments. No jewels and crowns and fancy robes for the occasion. See, David knows this isn't about him. David's not trying to be something special. He's not trying to take the spotlight. David's caught up in the pure ecstasy of what this means. The presence of GOD- YHWH- is coming to dwell with him. He's prepared himself for this- He knew it was coming. He took the time to think this out and realized he should humble himself in anticipation. But now- in the moment- he's overwhelmed! It's just too much! The joy is bigger than He imagined, the realization so much greater than he could have foreseen. The Spirit of the Living God is with him, and he cannot contain his joy.
So, the arc is coming into the city and there's a giant celebratory parade, and David- David wears a simple linen robe, much like that of the priests. No kingly garments. No jewels and crowns and fancy robes for the occasion. See, David knows this isn't about him. David's not trying to be something special. He's not trying to take the spotlight. David's caught up in the pure ecstasy of what this means. The presence of GOD- YHWH- is coming to dwell with him. He's prepared himself for this- He knew it was coming. He took the time to think this out and realized he should humble himself in anticipation. But now- in the moment- he's overwhelmed! It's just too much! The joy is bigger than He imagined, the realization so much greater than he could have foreseen. The Spirit of the Living God is with him, and he cannot contain his joy.
"And David danced before the LORD with all his might."
Oh, that I would rejoice this greatly in the presence of my King- my Savior. Oh, that I would be completely unhindered in my worship- that I would encounter the reality of the Living God in my life and daily dance with all my might at his renewed mercies each morning. That I would put aside my mistakes, let go of my shame, and bask in His forgiveness and love. That I would worship freely in such a way that it makes little of me and much of my Lord, that I would be a living testament to the joy and freedom and life found in the Creator God.
The books of Samuel are my favorite as well!!! I mean look at the faith and plight of Hannah in beginning and the foils of Saul and David, and more and more and more!
ReplyDeleteFantastic leadership and humility...
ReplyDeletethanks for your comments, guys. :) I appreciate it.