Sunday, August 14

Every New Day

Well, we had our first roach sighting last night. I was opening the door to use the extra bathroom door (because we STILL have NO lightbulb in 2 of the other bathrooms) and the little guy ran across the floor in front of me. I only screamed once- a very short surprised scream. Which scared Aly half to death (apparently she's never heard me scream before) but Katie rushed to the rescue and killed the villain for us!  
This morning my shower leaked tremendously (again), and having found no explanation for it, (the outside of the tub and the outside of the shower curtain aren't wet) we decided that the pipes must be leaking and it's seeping through where the tub isn't sealed well and practically flooding our bathroom. 
We also discovered that we apparently overfilled our water filter a bit and it also leaked onto the kitchen floor.
Friday we learned that you must weigh your produce, print a price sticker, and put it on the bag BEFORE going to check out at the store. We left with fewer veggies than intended.
Thursday we discovered that the lady who's been coming to clean our house every day is NOT an ABC student, she does know how to write in English, and we should pay her at the end of the month, despite having no idea where she came from. (She's very sweet though, and we appreciate her aid. She even told us what cleaning supplies she needed us to buy, since we had none.)
Every day we learn something new to do or not to do (usually by trial and error). Whether it's realizing for the 8th day in a row that even a tiny crumb left in the bottom of the sink will attract numerous ants, or still figuring out who to go to with each sort of problem (phones, maintenance, cars, lesson plans, shopping), we are learning. 
I admit that I've been quite frustrated at least once every day (usually somewhere around the 3rd spider killed), I also realize that this is humbling me.  I'm not saying I'm really happy with it, nor am I necessarily enjoying it, but I can see that I have lessons to learn.  Usually I'm the one with all the answers. I am a very observant and intuitive individual, and I rarely feel like I have to depend upon anyone.  This experience is showing me- multiple times, every day- that I am not sufficient for my needs.  Christ is all that is reliable in this world. When the power is out and we have one flashlight (a borrowed one, at that), all of a sudden it's very clear to me that no matter how much I want to fool myself, I am not in control of my life. He is my sufficiency- my portion- all I will ever need.
It's okay that I'm frustrated. It's okay that I'm on the bottom end of a gigantic learning curve. It's okay that I'm tired of ants. But it is not okay for me to release frustration on my roommates.  It is not okay for me to curl up and feel sorry for myself. And it is never okay for me to forget how much I need my Savior. 

So this is what I have for you today.  Remember how needy you are!  Just because your world is more familiar than mine...just because you'll put on your best clothes, flash a smile, and tell everyone how wonderful you're doing at church this morning...just because you can fool even yourself into thinking you've got it all together... don't make the mistake of forgetting how dependent you are on Christ. Run to Him- let Him embrace you and hold you and through realizing you're nothing without Him, realize that you are His beloved- His adopted child- His chosen one.  In Him you live, and move, and exist.  His arms are a great place to be- where every new day brings new mercies. 


  1. OH how I miss you! Thank you for those great words of encouragement, dear!

  2. Good thoughts and good reminders, Allison! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is so REAL LIFE. Thanks for sharing. Here goes collapsing into God's strong arms...

  4. Interesting website. Keep blogging!

  5. That is exactly what I've been learning these last 2 years of teaching. It really got hammered hard when we went to Student Life Camp this summer with the youth from church & for the first time I realized just how precious I am in His eyes! I need Him each & every day to live & do anything!! Thanks for the sweet reminder! Love you cousin! :)
