Tuesday, July 26

the past

Now, I know this is somewhat unreasonable, but I just need to share, mmk? mmk.
So, last summer I did summer missions in Chicago, where I lived in an apartment all summer with 5 other women. It was interesting, to say the least. Some parts were fun (I really loved the cats) and some parts were just really tough (everything else?). Well, I recently discovered I'll be living in "the quad" (MC folks, doesn't that just make you think of hammocks and camp outs and squirrels and frisbees?) with 3 other ladies- Aly (of course), Chris, and Katie.  We'll each have our own room and our own bathroom, which is more than I've ever had, so that's super. But the situation is reminding me of Chicago, and somewhere deep down inside, a little piece of me that was wounded last summer is freaking out a bit.  A lot of insecurities and worries are resurfacing in the preparation for the move, and I'm really having to fight to keep those out of my mind.
So- you should pray for me. Pray that hurts are healed, that I cling to truth, and that I trust my Savior.

In other news: 8 days!

Tuesday, July 19

2 Weeks!

So, 2 weeks from tomorrow I will be leaving for Malawi. How insane is that?
It's been a while since I told you what's happening in regards to this, so I'll try and give you a little idea of what's happened lately. My summer has been pretty crazy.  Somehow I volunteered (I swear I didn't know I was doing it at the time) to go and give a simple survey to everyone in my church over the age of 90.
Facts: there are 17 members of Fairview who are 90 years old or older. 3 of them are still married. 2 of them have Alzheimer's. 2 of them are unable to speak. Most of them can barely hear. All of them are amazing.
I had such a great time! I was nervous about accepting that role. I'm usually not good with senior adults. I'm just awkward in general (you know it's true) and that situation makes me feel even more awkward. But I really was blessed by this opportunity. (Thanks Bro. Tommy!)
So in between visits with our senior adults, youth activities, and trips to Memphis, Jackson, and Hattiesburg, I've stayed pretty busy.  I now have all the necessary shots, a malaria med prescription, some awesome toe shoes, and hopefully enough "grown up" clothes to last 2 years.
A few days ago I emailed the amazing Jill Kyser and she got some answers for me about what's gonna happen when we get to Africa! We also got a few emails from ABC folks, and they told us some other fun things! So here's what I've recently learned:
1. Aly and I will most likely each have our own bathroom. (neither of us has ever NOT had to share a bathroom)
2. Our stuff is still not there, and probably won't be, but MIGHT be there before us.
3. Aly is teaching Kindergarten!
4. I have A LOT (an alot!) of reading to do.
I got a list from last year of approved books for all the grade levels I'll (possibly) be teaching. Oh my! I've got a lot of work to do. There are some good books on the list, but I've only read about 6 out of 40. So...yeah...I have to admit I was a bit frustrated to find that out. I asked for curriculum when I applied and have asked more than once since then, and haven't gotten this until now.  I don't mean to complain. I understand that the ABC folks have lots of stuff happening and are super busy, so I don't blame them, but I'm feeling a tiny bit overwhelmed now.  I'd hoped to be able to work this summer on my lessons. But now I know, so I'm gonna read as much as possible in the next couple weeks and then get to work when I arrive in Malawi. :)

So... prayer requests for now til I leave:
1. that I won't be stressed with packing and preparing. details aren't my strong point.
2. that financial support will continue to come in, and that I won't be discouraged concerning emotional and spiritual support
3. that I will prepare spiritually for the task ahead
4. that my family will rely on Christ in this emotionally taxing time

Thanks! Email me, text me, call me, facebook me...whatever ya gotta do. I'd love to hear from you!