This past week I was able to chaperon the senior high youth from my home church on their yearly retreat to Panama City Beach. I can't really say I was overly excited about this trip. Honestly, the beach isn't really my favorite place, I wasn't real excited about getting into a swimsuit, and I wasn't very prepared to step back into the world of high school, but I'd agreed to go around Easter, so there wasn't much getting out of it. Even on the ride there I was pretty indifferent. I found out I wasn't staying in the room with the girls I was close to, and I wasn't excited about it. I had the 9th graders, whom I hardly knew, and half of the 10th graders, whom I had for disciple now, but who hadn't really spoken to me since. (They're clearly a lot cooler than I am, and that's all I'll say about that.) And let me just tell you- we stayed in this tiny lil cramped room with 20 bunks very close together, 2 sinks, 2 toilets (with curtains, not doors), and 3 showers. For 17 individuals to share.
And for real-girls are gross! Our room was pretty crazy all the time between clogged toilets and lost phones and exploding suitcases and crying beauties.
But let me tell you something-
This was the best week I've had in months.
Kyle Walker was our speaker for the week- a guy who went to high school here in town and grew up in Fairview's youth group and such, so he knows very well the plight of these young people. He preached from 1 John, and I loved every second of it. Each day I was being challenged on so many levels. I've been in a really dry spell in my spiritual life, and upon hearing the Word of God so clearly proclaimed, my spirit was soaking it up like a sponge. I feel so refreshed and renewed by this time!
The beach itself was beautiful- it was perfect weather with plentiful sunshine, the occasional cloud, and a delightful ocean breeze. The nights were clear and starry, and worship on the beach yielded not an emotional response, but a sincere time of building each other up and loving one another. Prompted by Kenny, these students opened up to each other and shared things such as who has left a spiritual legacy in their life, their greatest failures, and their greatest successes.
I don't mean to say there wasn't drama. There always is. But a few girls I know came away from this weekend very changed and handled themselves very well in the face of some difficult situations. I was so proud of these young people for their willingness to hear and heed God's instruction in their lives, whether it came from Kyle, Kenny, each other, or their personal quiet times. Even in the span of 5 days I saw change in attitudes and hearts.
This week was such a blessing for me. God sent me on this trip for His purpose, and I am so glad. I came away with some wonderful new friends, with better relationships with old friends, with new respect for this youth group, and with a refreshed Spirit that longs for time with my Savior. The love of the world is behind me and I am chasing after the Real- the Light- my Jesus. He alone can satisfy my thirsty soul.
Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.